ServiceMaster Clean Lower Mainland

Tile Floor Cleaning

With fall here, tiled areas generally get grungier because of more use and people tracking in mud and dirt from the outside. Homeowners will see this in entrances, laundry rooms and kitchens. For stratas, this is particularly noticeable in lobbies and elevator entrances by parkades. People are spending more time indoors – that means using the pool – noticing the build up of staining and dirt around it and in the change rooms.  Several stratas have decided to clean this all up and remove the dirt from their tile and grout with our truckmount tile cleaning SX-12 system.

Using the SX-12 system, the area is first sprayed with a cleaning agent. Then hot water blasts the dirt away from under a round head that the operator moves like a lawnmower. The dirty water is sucked back out to the truck and disposed of. Anything left over is mopped up, leaving both the tile and grout shiny clean.

-fast, thorough, cleans grout lines
-surface prepared for protective coatings
-cost effective

Contact Fredy Cayta for quotes on getting your strata’s tile and grout cleaned. fredy

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