ServiceMaster Clean Lower Mainland

Polygon: An Expert Developer’s Recommended Maintenance And Warranty Requirements

I had the opportunity recently to review Polygon’s official building envelope review submitted to a strata for which we provide maintenance services. It was a welcome chance to add this expert developer’s recommendations to our own, and share with you the insight obtained by reading their recommendations and why the items below should be addressed.

Here are direct quotes regarding what Polygon recommends in their literature to ensure buildings in Vancouver remain structurally sound through the use of programmed maintenance.

Exterior Walls

(relates to building facade cleaning service)

“The exterior cladding of a building is the first line of defense against water penetration. Any damage, deterioration, or organic residue build-up must be addressed immediately to prevent the build-up of moisture against the sheathing membrane behind… Strata should monitor and maintain exterior cladding as part of a regularly scheduled maintenance program.”

Important note: Potted Plants

“Potted plants and other items were located against the exterior building surface. Items stored against exterior siding must be removed to prevent debris and moisture build-up, and to limit access for insects that can damage the building envelope.”

Exhaust Vents

(relates to dryer and bathroom fan cleaning service)

“Clothes dryers, bathroom fans, and range hoods exhaust a significant amount of moisture laden air from a home. Vent covers and/or exhaust hoods should be visually examined and cleaned on a regular basis to ensure they are free and clear of lint and debris, and residents need to clean their dryer lint screens after each use. The strata should arrange for regular duct cleaning through a professional cleaning company. Also, there needs to be regular reviews of ducting and duct connections to vents, especially after duct cleaning, to ensure they are intact with no air leakage; and remember to inspect that damper flaps are operating properly to limit the entry of birds and insects.

These maintenance initiatives need to be incorporated into the strata’s maintenance program. A compromised ventilation system can be very costly to the owners. If the mechanically exhausted air becomes impeded due to clogged vents or debris filled ducting, condensation will form in the ducts resulting in water damage to the ceiling. A more common problem is the buildup of unacceptable humidity levels in a home. The most common non-warranty issue for residents during the cooler months of winter is condensation due to humidity. This is almost always due to either a compromised ventilation system due to lack of maintenance or residents failing to use their exhaust fans…”

I always welcome information from experts in our industry or related industries that help further the understanding of what should be done to maintain our homes.  By sharing this knowledge, everyone wins.

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