ServiceMaster Clean Lower Mainland

Roof Treatment & Abatement – Best Time Of Year To Complete The Service

Roofs in the Lower Mainland face a rough life. Constantly bombarded by rain and shade,west coast style lowrise color they are a magnet for moss, mildew and algae that can severely curtail their lifespan. Removing them is one of our exterior cleaning services, and the best time to undertake this work is the late summer and fall when they are the drieest .  We use a                                             three-step process, which incorporates industry best practices to guide our approach.  
Step 1-  Air blower cleaning. 

In this stage we basically use high-pressure air to remove loose debris and a large portion of the growth. This allows us to gain better access to the underlying roof surface, without damaging the roof itself.

STEP  2 – Spray application of the Roof Abatement System.

This is really the most critical part of the process. We use a mild, wash safe, chemical that is wash safe to basically break down and kill all the growth on the roof. The system also is a preventative step: it delays future growth for a year or so, keeping the roof integrity intact. 

STEP 3 –Low pressure cleaning of roof surfaces.
            This step is performed with pressure washing equipment limted to a maximum pressure of 1700 PSI to prevent damage. The ensures all of the growth has been removed, any discoloration and dead growth is removed before the start of the rainy fall season. 
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