ServiceMaster Clean Lower Mainland

CARPET SPILLS – Spot Cleaning



“Ooops, sorry, I spilled my coffee!”

How many times have you heard that statement then looked down at the carpet with the realization, “That’s going to leave a mark!”  Well, the good news is – it’s doesn’t necessarily have to leave a permanent mark – if it is treated properly and quickly.

If you’re interested in doing some preemptive treatment of that carpet spill, the following are the treatment steps the carpet professionals at ServiceMaster Clean recommend.

  1. Scoop up any solids (like toner) gently with a spoon.
  2. Always blot wet carpet spills as quickly as possible with white paper or cloth towels! Never scrub as this may damage your carpet fibers and create fuzz.  When blotting, work from the outside in to prevent spreading.  TIP: In our experience, this may take 10 to 12 blots to absorb all the liquid.
  3. Treatment of the carpet spill involves a bit of science to know what solutions will help breakdown the spilled substance. Download our easy Carpet Stain Guide for the most common office carpet stains.
  4. Rinse and blot the stained carpet area again! It is important to remove as much detergent residue (if used) from your carpet.  If detergent residue is left in your carpet, it may actually increase re-soiling!  So, rinse with water and blot again!

We know that very likely, you’ve got much better things to do than go through these steps!  So, why not let the commercial cleaning specialists at ServiceMaster Clean tackle these problems for you!

Ready for a complimentary assessment of your carpet?  We may even treat a spot or two while we assess!


I like that I can call in a spot clean and know it will be done and the room ready for the next morning.” H.M., CBRE


“One call and it’s done nice and easy.” J.M., Toshiba of Canada

  ServiceMaster Clean – We are your commercial cleaning specialists.

We are a team of professional commercial cleaners dedicated to all of your office cleaning needs from floor cleaning to duct cleaning and everything in between!

For more information on any of our commercial cleaning services, contact us today!

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