ServiceMaster Clean Lower Mainland

Who Is ServiceMaster?

“You guys are just a small outfit, right?”
Annual Revenues exceed $5.5 billion.
(But that’s not just the Burnaby office)

“If you don’t live it, you don’t believe it.”
Marion E. Wade.
Founder of ServiceMaster

ServiceMaster Quick Facts:

But what does that mean to YOU, in regards to dealing with

ServiceMaster Clean Residential?

But Who Are You Guys At
ServiceMaster Clean Residential?

David Benoit is the owner and operator of the residential franchise servicing the GVRD.  His background is in business, and operating a successful company is his passion.  He purchased the Residential franchise – servicing stratas and property management companies and homeowners for building maintenance needs in 1998.  He cares about people, quality, and commitment to growth through excellence, which has grown this branch of ServiceMaster since he stepped in.

“If there’s a problem, we’ll always go back and see if we can fix it.  We’ll take care of it.”
David Benoit.

ServiceMaster Clean Residential in 2010 has grown again to service its customers even better:

Each division provides services from specialists.  For example, our carpet cleaners are trained, career technicians.  They don’t clean windows.  However, we do have window cleaning experts and other professional cleaners in their respective fields.

Everyone at SVM Clean Residential works to fulfill our simple mandate: “We’ll take care of it.”

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