How We Work

Floor Care

Pricing Request

First, you need to contact us – you can reach us via the chat box below, phone, email or SMS.

Account Manager Assigned

We will refer you to the relevant Account Manager: they are deeply experienced in the field and have the technical knowledge and direct field experience to put in place a strong solution for your request. In the Service field its no secret that the people with the most knowledge tend to be ones who have worked in the field.

Site Review – Estimate Forwarded For Review

Your Account Manager will need access to the site to complete a review of the areas and assess the condition.

They will prepare pricing for both a One-Time Service, and a Full Cleaning Program as specified necessary by Carpet and Hard Surface Floor manufacturers. Full Cleaning Programs help keep the appearance of your floors consistent through out the year. Our programs are based on performance, and not on a contract – we don’t do work just for the sake of work, we only do it when its necessary.

Scheduling – Connected System

Once the work is approved, the operations team will forward a building notice for posting that includes the optional added Value with discounted prices for in suite cleaning while on site. Automated, regular communication pre and post job enhances the customer experience. Field Service Work pushed to mobile teams and real time service status synced to system of record. Field team provides daily updates as to the status of their work, with photo evidence and next steps.

ServiceMaster Lower Mainland - Customer Care

Customer Success Manager Assigned

Your Customer Success Manager will stop by from time to time to connect and review the service.

Voice Of The Customer System (VOC)

Upon completion a quick SMS pulse survey will be sent to the site contact.

ServiceMaster Lower Mainland - SMS CommunicationServiceMaster Lower Mainland - Floor Cleaner

Review Period

We treat any issues as “Cases,” and we’re proactive at handling them before they become a major problem. Any issues are investigated, identified, and corrected where possible in a timely manner. Communication is a key element in ensuring expectations are met and you are happy. Part of our success is based on a deep understanding of the industry we serve as well as listening to customers and the field team.

ServiceMaster Lower Mainland - No Ladder Van

Exterior Services

Pricing Request

Customer Communication via website, phone, email or SMS.

Account Manager Assigned

Few people are as deeply experienced in field operations as our Account managers – they have direct experience working in the field as well as unique technical knowledge that allow them to put in place a strong solution for your request. In the Service field, its no secret that most of the knowledge is with the people who have worked in the field.

Site Review – Estimate Forwarded For Review

The ideal approach is for both parties to meet on site and review the scope of work If that is not possible however, the team will review the site looking for the safest most efficient method to carry out the project.

Proposal will be forwarded which will contain the work scope and details. We welcome any comments and clarifications to review. Your Account manager will provide practicable safety compliant solutions and guidance.

Scheduling – Connected System

ServiceMaster Lower Mainland - Customer Care

Once the work is approved, the operations team will forward a building notice for posting that includes details of the work as well as any owner and tenant responsibilities. Automated, regular communication pre and post job through emails or texts also occur, which enhances the customer experience by giving them clear visibility of the state of the work. Field Service Work pushed to mobile teams and real time service status synced to system of record. Field team provides notes as to the status of their work c/w photo evidence and next steps

Safety Officer / Customer Success Manager Assigned

Safety Officer / Customer Success Manager will visit during the ongoing job, and will work with the crew to make sure all the safety items are in place. This helps with the Prime Contractor Role many residential buildings can be defined as. A Safer Work Site makes for higher quality outcomes.

Site Specific Safety Plan In Place Prior to work start

A Safety Plan is put in place for each site, that specifically identifies the hazards and controls to be put in place. A copy of the plan is uploaded into the field management system and system of record before the job starts.


Review Period

We stand by our work, but some times there can be deficiencies, which we try to correct as quickly as possible. Building staff or residents can notify us through the website case system, phone or email. We also provide our post-clean report that identify potential issues we discovered, as well as the state of the cleanup.

Annual Reminder for Service – Customer Stage

Your account manager will touch base next year to see if we can schedule and keep the building maintenance on schedule

Option for an Annual Service Agreement

We offer sites the ability to have pre-planned maintenance programs in place it can be as simple as yes we would like to have the service every year or more complex complete building maintenance program. Agreements are not contracts and can be cancelled at any time. They are designed to streamline the process and keep buildings on top of maintenance and their budget.

ServiceMaster Lower Mainland - Van

Janitorial Management

Pricing Request

Customer Communication via website, phone, email or SMS.

Account Manager Assigned

Your account manager will connect and introduce themselves. Customer success with regular cleaning services is based on having a deep understanding of the site requirements, constant communication, evaluation and adjustments. High performing accounts have a culture of partnership and collaboration between all parties. Our goal is to set the framework for success from the first initial contact.

An in person site review is critical for potential Janitorial Services contract. It’s always best when we can meet a site representative and start the relationship. During this review a cleaning level level (Frequency of service as well as Time on site) can be established and a budget review.

Proposal Submission

ServiceMaster Lower Mainland - Teammate

Your Account Manager will provide options and guidance for your Janitorial Services a Good, Better and Best pricing model.


Once a proposal has been agreed to the team will start the on-boarding process.

    1. Supervisor Assigned
    2. Building Access Plan
    3. Cloud Management System Set Up
    4. Customer Portal Set Up
    5. Supply Management Plan
    6. Public Survey On Site

Unified messaging – Inspection Reports – Time Tracking

Client messaging allows managers and customers to communicate in one place. Receive notifications as new text and photo messages are posted, allowing you to react quickly. Messages can even be marked as “urgent” to draw additional attention.
Your assigned Supervisor will perform site inspections to review our performance and the site conditions. These reports are completed via our connected field system and uploaded into a system of record. Copies are sent in real time to all parties. These reports rate each inspection point and include photos.
The connected system involves a robust GPS enabled time tracking system. When cleaners use the mobile app or landline to sign-in, you’ll know whether or not they are physically on-site and for how long.

Account Manager Review

Your account manager is always available, and will conduct an annual review of the account.